...at another time and another place. After I discovered Donna and I could make wonderful music together, I fell in love with her. It was quite different than it had been before. Before, I had loved her, there's no doubt, but not like this; not wanting her to be a part of everything I did and said.
I think she felt the same; she never said. But, unlike me, Donna was very quiet about her feelings and emotions. While I expressed myself at every opportunity, I had to guess much of the time to know what she was feeling. Sometimes I knew and sometimes, could just guess and hope I was right. But, being the selfish fellow I am, I didn't worry too much about it. She seemed happy most of the time and that was good enough for me.
We began practicing together, our singing and our deportment, how to appear on stage and entertain. She was always the 'straight' person when I joked. She had the perfect, 'what a load of crap,' look for my quips and I always topped her by saying to the audience, "Ain't she a cutie; am I lucky or what?" It was wonderful.
And we made many videos to put on You Tube as JC and Donna Lee
She was so shy at first but it didn't matter. Her wonderful, lilting voice was made for such as this; to be heard by the world. To hear her sing, "Green Eyes," was enough to make my heart melt in ecstasy. She never acknowledged how very wonderful and special her singing was. She always said, "Oh, Jim is the singer in this family." How very naive she was. So reluctant to accept the praise she so deserved,-from a man who was so blessed by her complete love for and devotion to him.
It was a life I always wanted,-but hadn't known before. And she appeared to be a new person, singing with such love in her heart and voice, her father and mother would have been so very proud of their wonderful daughter! I know I was.
Sometimes, at night, in bed, I would just reach over and touch her...just a little touch, just to know she was there beside me. It was paradise. I had never before known someone who was so very loved by everyone on earth...this woman I called wife. How many years had been wasted by me before this by not seeing how wonderful and outstanding, how loving this woman who married me was. I was always so busy working or just being busy. Sometimes it takes something like retirement, the opportunity to be much closer day to day, to bring out the beauty of a person...the beauty of my Donna Lee.
How many days went by when I didn't take her in my arms and tell her how very special she was to me; how happy and proud I was to have such a woman as my own,-how humble I felt for having such a woman love me. How many wasted days there had been.
I'll stop here. What happened next is a matter of record; recorded in 'A Time and A Place' blog. There is no reason to go there in this one. This is just to say how I loved a woman who was so much too good for a worthless man such as me; who put me as close to Paradise as a mortal can get.
She will be in my heart and mind forever; for my forever. There are many kinds of love: there was only one of this kind...my love for my sweet Donna Lee. Don't worry, sweetie, I'll see you soon.

...'snort'...not too bad, teddy bear...you might make it someday after all...'sniff'...pretty sad...but not too bad...arf...
morning CA,
thanks for letting me know ya are still kicking :)
and for letting know about your new blog.
take care
Well, Chico the Wonder Dog,thanks for that (?) compliment...(sort of) It's nice to know you are still kicking...
And, jel,-thank you for being such a friend...I love your blog...it is a very relaxing place to go...please stop by whenever you feel like it...you are always welcome here...
your friend, ca...
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